
作者:  时间:2018-09-01  点击数:


Syllabus for the Course of Master Program


      课程名称(Course Name)    儿童口腔医学 Pediatric Dentistry                    

      所在院(系、所)     口腔医学院                    

      School (Dept. / Institute)School of Dentistry  

      适用专业(Major)       口腔医学Stomatology                    

      大纲撰写负责人      赵玉梅                    

      Coordinator        Yumei Zhao

          填表日期            2014.3.                    




         Director of Academic Committee (Signature)  



课程名称(Course Name in Chinese)(请用黑体4号字填写)儿童口腔医学

英文名称(Course Name in English)(请用4号字填写)Pediatric Dentistry


开课单位(School or Dept.)(请用宋体5号字填写)Dept. of Pediatric Dentistry,School of Dentistry


课内学时(Contact hours)(请用宋体5号字填写) 54学时(54 hours)


教学方式(Teaching Method)(请用宋体5号字填写)理论 theory

授课语言(Language)(请用宋体5号字填写)              中文and English

授课层次(Teaching Levels)(请用宋体5号字填写)         研究生(postgraduate)

人数要求(number of students)(请用宋体5号字填写)       >1

适用专业(Major)(请用宋体5号字填写)         口腔医学(stomatology)




1. Profile and Contact way of the Teachers

   赵玉梅, , 1988年毕业于上海交通大学医学院。 2008年获日本福冈大学医学部博士学位。现任同济大学口腔医学院儿童口腔医学教研室、儿童口腔科主任医师、科主任。兼任中华口腔医学会理事、中华口腔医学会儿童口腔医学专业委员会常委;上海市口腔医学会常务理事、上海市口腔医学会儿童口腔医学专业委员会副主任委员;国际儿童牙科协会(IAPD)会员。  

Yumei Zhao, graduated from Medical College of Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1988 and MD&Phd from School of Medicine, Fukuoka University, Japan in 2008, Professor of Dept. of Pediatric Dentistry College of Dentistry, Tongji University, Director of CSA, executive member of a committee of Pediatric Dentistry Association of CSA, a vice chairwoman of committee of Pediatric Dentistry Association of SSA and an executive director of SSA. Member of International Association of Pediatric Dentistry.


2. Course Description

   儿童口腔医学是口腔学中一门独立学科。它是以处于长发育过程中的童为对象,研究其口腔范围内的牙、牙列、牙合  、颌及软组织的形态和功能,诊断治疗和预防儿童口腔疾病及畸形,使之形成有健全功能的咀嚼器官。要求学生通过学习,认识儿童口腔医学的范畴,明确发展和提高儿童口腔医学的重要性和必要性。掌握接待患儿的心理学。  


   Pediatric dentistry is an independent subject of stomatology. It studies that morphology and function of the dentes, dentition, occlusion, jaw and peripheral tissue in the growing children. They would be diagnosed, treated and prevented the oral diseases and deformity and formed healthy chewing organ. The students should realize the category, inductance and necessity of the pediatric dentistry and learn how to treat the patients in childhood.  


3. Course Objective and Requirement

   掌握生长发育过程中的儿童之牙、牙列、牙合  、颌骨及软组织的正常形态功能,对儿童口腔疾病及畸形能作出正确的诊断治疗和预防。了解儿童医学在口腔学中的独特意义,深刻认识并体会儿童口腔医学的重要性和必要性。  

The students should master normal morphology and function of the dentes, dentition, occlusion, jaw and peripheral tissue of growing children and diagnose, treat and prevent the oral diseases and deformity in the growing children. They must make sense of the pediatric dentistry in stomatology and understand the important and necessity.


4. Course Schedule (Content and Contact Hours Assigned)

1.概论Introduction    1h

2.口腔及相关组织的检查 Examination of the mouth and other relevant structures     1h

3.乳牙的发育和解剖形态Development and morphology of the primary teeth  2h

4.儿童放射影像技术Radiographic techniqures 1h

5.儿童牙科的遗传学Clinical genetics for the dental practitioner  1h

6.牙齿及口腔相关结构的发育异常Acquired and developmental disturbances of the teeth and associated oral structures   2h

7.口腔软组织肿瘤、囊肿和骨肿瘤Tumors of the oral soft tissues and cysts and tumors of the bone   2h

8.牙齿萌出异常Eruption of the teeth: local ,systemic, and congenital factors that influence the process   2h

9.儿童及青少年龋齿 Dental caries in the child and adolescent 2h

10.家庭的口腔护理Mechanical and chemotherapeutic home oral hygiene   1h

11.儿童牙科患者的营养因素Nutritional considerations for the pediatric dental patient   2h

12.儿童及青少年的局部麻醉和疼痛控制Local anesthesia and pain control for child and adolescent   2h

13.患者行为的药物控制:镇静Pharmacologic management of patient behavior  2h

14.儿童牙科及全身麻醉的医院服务Hospital dental services for children and the use of general anesthesia  2h

15.牙科材料Dental materials     1h

16.窝沟封闭和预防性树脂充填Pit and fissure sealants and preventive resin restorations   2h

17.牙科修复Restorative dentistry  2h

18.深龋、露髓和死髓牙的治疗Treatment of deep caries, vital pulp exposure, and pulpless teeth  2h

19.牙龈炎和牙周病Gingivitis and periodontal disease  2h

20.牙外伤的处理Management of trauma to the teeth and supporting tissues  2h

21.青少年患者的修复治疗Prosthodontic treatment of the adolescent patient  2h

22.儿童的牙科问题Dental problems of children with disabilities  2h

23.血液病、癌症、肝炎、艾滋病患者的口腔表现Management of the medically compromised patient: hematologic disorders, cancer, hepatitis, and AIDS  2h

24.面部和牙弓的生长发育Growth of the face and dental arches  2h

25.X线头影测量和面部美学:治疗计划的关键Cephalometrics and facial esthetics: the key to complete treatment planning  2h

26.咬合管理Management of the developing occlusion  2h

27.唇腭裂的多学科治疗Multidisciplinary team approach to cleft lip and palate management  2h

28.实习管理Practice management   1h

29.儿童牙科的社会问题Community oral health    1h

30.儿童口腔外科Oral surgery for the pediatric patient  1h

31.考查Test 2h  


5. Experiment and Internship


The practice of Pediatric Dentistry is designed based on the fundamental clinical treatment of pediatric dentistry, through which students are required to enhance the understanding of pediatric dentistry and have a knowledge of the routine procedures and the way to record the case.



6. Textbook (No., Author / Editor, Name of the Textbook, Publishing house,

          no. of the edition, publishing year )

1. Jeffrey A. Dean, David R. Avery, Ralph E. McDonald , Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent, Mosby Elsevier, ninth edition, 2011.

2. 葛立宏,儿童口腔医学,人民卫生出版社,第4版,2012.



References (No., Author / Editor, Name of the book / material, Publishing house,

         no. of the edition, publishing year )


1. Amr M. Moursi, Marcio A. da Fonseca, Amy L. Truesdale, Clinical Cases in Pediatric Dentistry, WILEY-BLACKWELL, first edtion,2012

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